Attività sanitarie


Whitin the Di.coma.c operated a function dedicated to "Health, social, and veterinary asistance" that worked during the emergency in direct contact with: Operation Centre 118, the Italian Red Cross, Asl, Order of Malta, Experimental Zoophrophylactic Institute of Abruzzo and Molise.

Here, the main activities performed until January 31, 2010 are reported.

Evacuation fom the San Salvatore hospital. On April 6, 250 patient  of the hospital located in L'Aquila are evacuated by air– Medevac, Medical Evacuation– e by land to other hospital structures in Avezzano, Chieti, Piscina, Tagliacozzo, Teramo, Castel di Sangro, Pescara, Sulmona, Atri, Sant’Omero, Villa Pini.

Civil Protection Department modular hospital. S. Salvatore hospital is replaced by a field hospital provided by the Marche Ragion, whch operated until June 28, 2009. Some units of the S. Salvatore hospital reopeded in May, while from July 2, 2009 the Civil Protection modular hospital integrated the existing services.

Damages to other structures.  An assisted heath residence - Rsa in Montereale is evaquated and 59 patients transferred to a similar structure in Canistro.  Also, the inaccesible headquarter if the ASL Prevention Department is replaced by two containers and a tent. The 118 emergency center us transferred to the Dicomac headquarter nd then relocated in container near the San Salvatore hospital.

16 Pma start operating to assist the population. On May 1st, 2009 there are 34 operating stations, which are gradually reduced until the definitive closure on November 10, 2009. The second week after the earthquake five primary healt center have been set up in  the main reception areas: Piazza d’Armi, Centicolella, Acqua Santa, Monticchio, Globo, Paganica - with doctors, paediatricians and overnight medical service.

Hygienic-sanitary standards in the fields. To ensure an adequate hygienic-sanitary standard in the reception areas, the public hygiene services of Asl 4 of L'Aquila, the veterinary doctors coordinated by the Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute of Abruzzo and Molise, were operative. Also, in collaboration with the Nas Carabinieri, hygienic-sanitary controls are carried out in the reception areas and in the hotels along the coast.Moreover, trainings on the correct management of food and information materials on the hygienic-sanitary aspects for the management of the 92 camps are provided.

Prevention of infections. A system of surveillance on infectious diseases of gastroenteric, respiratory, exanthemic, parasitic type of interest for public health is activated. During the summer season, a system for monitoring the health effects of heat waves on the population of the reception areas was implemented. Other public health measures concerning the disposal of altered foodstuffs of animal origin and the disinfestation of fields due to the presence of rodents were launched.

Veterinary measures. In addition to the competencies of the Veterinary Services of Asl 4 of L'Aquila, four health units provided veterinary assistance to dogs and cats owned or abandoned. In particular, the activities concerned the management of farm animals in the area affected by the earthquake;

  • census of the animals present in the reception areas;
  • management of the zoonosis risk in the reception areas;
  • individual census and identification of dogs present in the reception areas.

The pharmacy of the Marche field hospital supplies medicines and other medical equipment to the field health centres operating in the area hit by the earthquake. A procedure for the disposal of expired medicines is agreed with the Abruzzo region. For the storage of the donated medicines, a warehouse is opened in Monticchio, managed by pharmacists from the Piedmont region, which was subsequently transferred to the Region.