Stromboli eruption 2024

Eruzione Stromboli 2024 (Foto INGV)

On July 4, the Stromboli volcano experienced a sudden increase in volcanic activity. This had been building up since June when an eruptive fissure opened at the base of the volcano's northeastern crater. A lava flow formed and spread along the Sciara del Fuoco, reaching the coast. A few hours later, a new pyroclastic flow followed, spreading to the sea surface along the Sciara del Fuoco and generating a 40-cm wave without impacting the island's coast.

After evaluating the situation, during the meeting with the Centres of Competence and the Civil Protection of the Sicilian Region, the Civil Protection Department changed the alert level from orange to red and activated the operational phase of pre-alarm. This led to the immediate enhancement of the volcano monitoring system and improved communication between the scientific community and the National Service's operational structures.

At the Advanced Operations Center - COA of Stromboli, the local level of civil protection was immediately activated. The Mayor of Lipari ordered the first precautionary measures to protect people on the island.

On July 5, the Civil Protection Department called for a meeting of the Operational Committee to provide updates on the volcano's activity and the initial safety measures implemented and to arrange anything else foreseen by the National emergency plan for tsunami risk. Later that day, the National Commission for the Forecasting and Prevention of Major Risks convened to evaluate the potential progression of the situation.

On July 8, the Minister for Civil Protection and Sea Policies signed a decree for the extraordinary mobilization of the National Service in support of the Sicilian Region. This measure explicitly tasks the Department with coordinating interventions to prepare the necessary assistance and rescue for the affected communities.

On July 23, following the evaluations of the Centres of Competence and the results of the Major Risks Commission session, the Department changed the alert level to be changed from red to orange.

People living on the island or planning to travel to it are advised to stay updated on the current events and follow the civil protection measures adopted by the Mayor of Lipari and, more generally, the Civil Protection System. For more information on the Stromboli volcano and what to do in case of paroxysmal explosion or tsunami, please visit the dedicated page on the I don't take risks website, the national campaign on good civil protection practices.

Photo: National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology

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