Stromboli eruption 2007

Centres of Competence activities. On February 27, 2007, the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) and the University of Florence informed the Central Functional Centre for Volcanic Risk (Cfc-rv) of the Department of Civil Protection about significant changes in the state of the Stromboli volcano. These Centers of Competence reported increased rolling rocks along the Sciara del Fuoco. The alarm was raised after several weeks of volcanic activity with high values of the monitored parameters.
Coa activation. The Cfc-rv, which was already in a state of surveillance, observed an explosive phase through the surveillance cameras, followed shortly after by the opening of an effusive vent at the base of the north-east crater and then landslides along the Sciara del Fuoco. Alert procedures were immediately activated, and the Advanced Operations Center (Coa) of Stromboli was contacted to activate the sirens and evacuate the population from the coast.
Convocation of the Crisis Unit. The Civil Protection Department consulted with the heads of the monitoring centers and the experts of the Major Risks Commission to conduct an initial evaluation of the ongoing phenomena. They also convened the Crisis Unit to coordinate emergency activities. Additionally, the Department authorized the dispatch of two teams of experts and technicians to reach the island within a few hours via helicopter.
Establishment of the Scientific Synthesis Group and provisions for the population. On March 1, 2007, the Civil Protection Department established a Scientific Synthesis Group at the Coa of Stromboli. The group consisted of volcanological experts from the Major Risks Commission and experts responsible for monitoring. Their purpose was to assess current volcanic phenomena and hazards. Based on their evaluations, the emergency plan activation, aimed at reducing the population's exposure to the risks from eruptions or landslides, was adjusted as needed in coordination with central structures.
On March 7, 2007, the Mayor of the Municipality of Lipari issued an ordinance prohibiting access to the volcano summits.
New eruptive phases and further provisions. On March 9, a resumption of effusive activity was observed from the volcanic vent at 400m altitude. A sudden increase in the deformation of the Sciara del Fuoco was recorded, and a second effusive vent was opened at an altitude of about 500m. In response, a monitoring system was put in place, and it was decided that the people living in the coastal area should be evacuated.
On March 15, 2007, a paroxysmal explosion occurred from the northeast crater, the products of which caused damage to the paths, to the monitoring network on the volcano, and also to the shelters present on the summits of the volcano.
On April 7, 2007, the effusive activity ended, and the regular Strombolian activity of the volcano resumed.
Communication activities and correct behaviors. In April 2007, the Department produced a multilingual information brochure entitled "Welcome to the most beautiful active volcano in the world." The brochure explains the risks and correct behaviors for tourists and hikers when climbing a volcano.
An emergency management intervention was implemented and conducted using the experience gained from the previous emergency in 2002-2003 and the structural and procedural innovations introduced in recent years. This involved all the offices of the Department, the Cfc-rv, and the Coa at various levels.